Monday, October 27, 2008

FEY-dar - Tina profiled in USA Today

I stopped by a 7-Eleven yesterday on my way back from watching the Browns beat the Jaguars with other members of the Browns Backers group I belong to. My mission was to try a Hazelnut Slurpuccino from a location with working Slurpee machines.

Mission accomplished!!! Review to follow shortly.

While standing in line I glimpsed over at the newspaper rack [something I generally don't do] and lo and behold there was Tina on the front page of USA Today. It was a small photo promoting an article on her in that day's edition. Seventy-five cents later and I was able to read said profile. You too can read it for yourself here.

DON'T FORGET: The new season of 30 Rock premieres this coming Thursday on NBC.

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